The areas of scientific interests of G.N. Klimentinka include: the study of processes related to the complex processing of natural and man-made raw materials of complex composition. Utilization of alumina production waste, creation of ore quality management systems, creation of technological processes for the associated extraction of rare and scattered elements. Development of new processes for chemical and thermochemical enrichment of bauxite raw materials.
Under his leadership:
- the objects of subsurface use, processing, metallurgical industries and enterprises of building materials were designed, author's supervision was carried out, the work of acceptance commissions was carried out;
- a number of research works have been carried out in the field of ore preparation, enrichment and complex processing of aluminum raw materials (bauxite, nepheline and alunite), waste disposal of alumina production, creation of ore quality management systems, creation of technological processes for the associated extraction of rare and scattered elements;
- new processes of chemical and thermochemical enrichment of bauxite raw materials have been developed;
- a number of complex projects have been completed, including a full production cycle from the subsoil to the production of finished products (mining complex, logistics, enrichment, metallurgical processing, waste disposal);
- a number of research works have been carried out to improve technological processes at all alumina plants and mines of the former USSR, as well as at enterprises in Jamaica.
G.N. Klimentenok is the author of more than 40 scientific papers and inventions.
Awards: Winner of the international TMS Award in the field of metallurgy.